テイカカズラは 大和の国の Confederate Jasmineである!。
テイカカズラ Trachelospermum asiaticum
( キョウチクトウ科 テイカカズラ属 )
1.テイカカズラ 2.その2 3.その3 4.その4
撮影地 : 兵庫県 5月
このみなんのみ、その88 投稿者:鳥平 投稿日:2010/10/19(Tue) 21:11 No.28795
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - cozy 2010/10/19(Tue) 21:33 No.28801
cozy さん、こんばんは。ニシキギ科では、ありません。
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - haya 2010/10/19(Tue) 21:53 No.28806
鳥平さん みなさん こんばんは。
○イ○○○ラの虫こぶ でしょうか^^
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - りんどう 2010/10/19(Tue) 22:12 No.28807
鳥平さん cozyさん hayaさん こんばんは!
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - りんどう 2010/10/19(Tue) 22:14 No.28808
cozy さん、hayaさん、りんどうさん、みなさん、おはよーございます。
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - cozy 2010/10/20(Wed) 11:05 No.28821
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - 鳥平 2010/10/20(Wed) 11:44 No.28822
鳥平さん cozyさん こんばんは!
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - りんどう 2010/10/20(Wed) 18:53 No.28832
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - 鳥平 2010/10/20(Wed) 19:49 No.28835
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - アサガラ 2010/10/20(Wed) 20:24 No.28836
鳥平さん 皆さん 今晩は。
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - cozy 2010/10/20(Wed) 21:07 No.28839
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - 鳥平 2010/10/20(Wed) 21:22 No.28841
りんどうさん、 cozy さん、アサガラさん、みなさん、こんばんは。
Re: このみなんのみ、その88 - ミカドスキー 2010/10/20(Wed) 22:37 No.28845
テイカカズラ(定家葛、学名: Trachelospermum asiaticum)は、キョウチクトウ科テイカカズラ属のつる性常緑低木。有毒植物である。
朝鮮半島、日本(本州 - 四国・九州地方)の温暖な場所に分布する。
他に、サカキカズラ(Anodendron affine)等もよく似ている
Trachelospermum asiaticum - Encyclopedia of Life (英語)
最終更新 2013年4月17日 (水) 11:23
ジャスミン(英: jasmine)は、モクセイ科ソケイ属(素馨属、学名: Jasminum)の植物の総称。ソケイ属の植物は世界で約300種が知られている。
ジャスミン(ヤースミーン)という語はペルシャ語に由来し、中近東から欧米では女性の名前としても用いられる(ジャスミン (曖昧さ回避)参照)。
漢名は茉莉(まつり、まり)。サンスクリットの mallikā(マリカー)が語源で、元来は茉莉花(まつりか、まりか)と言った。ただし、マツリカは現在の日本ではジャスミンの1種の和名になっているので注意。
熱帯地方原産の植物であるため、中緯度以北では温室が必要な種が多いが、シロモッコウやハゴロモジャスミン、オウバイは耐寒性があり、普通に露地栽培することができる。肥沃で水はけの良い土地を好む。ソケイやマツリカ、シロモッコウなどはつる植物であるので、支柱が必要である。支柱があると2 - 3m程度の高さまで伸びる。通常は挿し木で増やす。
ナガバジャスミン Jasminum adenophyllum
ツルジャスミン Jasminum azoricum
ベニバナソケイ(ビージアナム) Jasminum beesianum - ジャスミンには珍しく赤色の花を咲かせる。
ノハラジャスミン Jasminum bifarium
リュウキュウオウバイ Jasminum floridum
オオバナソケイ(ソケイ) Jasminum grandiflorum - 香水に使用される種。
ヒマラヤソケイ Jasminum humile
ウンナンソケイ Jasminum humile var. glabrum
キソケイ Jasminum humile var. revolutum
シマダソケイ Jasminum lanceolarium
マリアナソケイ Jasminum marianum
オウバイモドキ(ウンナンオウバイ) Jasminum mesnyi
ケソケイ(ボルネオソケイ、スタージャスミン) Jasminum multiflorum
イヌシロソケイ Jasminum nervosum
シロソケイ Jasminum nervosum var. elegans
オオシロソケイ(エンジェルウィングジャスミン) Jasminum nitidum
オウバイ Jasminum nudiflorum
ソケイ(シロモッコウ、コモンジャスミン、オオバナソケイ、ロイヤルジャスミン、黄金葉ジャスミン、ホワイトプリンセス) Jasminum officinale - 四季咲き。
ハゴロモジャスミン Jasminum polyanthum
シャムソケイ Jasminum rex
マツリカ(アラビアジャスミン) Jasminum sambac - ジャスミン茶(茉莉花茶)に使用される種。
オキナワソケイ Jasminum sinense
ベニバナソケイ(ステファネンセ) Jasminum stephanense
シロマツリ Jasminum subtriplinerve
オキナワソケイ Jasminum superfluum
シロソケイ Jasminum trinerve
ミヤマソケイ Jasminum urophyllum
・カロライナジャスミン(イエロージャスミン、ニセジャスミン、イブニングトランペット、トランペットフラワー、カロリナソケイ) Gelsemium sempervirens - マチン科ゲルセミウム属
・ランキンジャスミン(ゲルセミウム・ランキニ) Gelsemium rankinii - マチン科ゲルセミウム属
・マダガスカルジャスミン(アフリカシタキヅル) Stephanotis floribunda - ガガイモ科ステファノチス属
・アメリカジャスミン(ニオイバンマツリ) Brunfelsia latifolia - ナス科ブルンフェルシア属
・オレンジジャスミン(シルクジャスミン、ゲッキツ) Murraya paniculata - ミカン科ゲッキツ属
・“Jasminum L.”. ITIS. 2012年1月6日閲覧。 (英語)
・Jasminum - National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) (英語)
・Jasminum - Encyclopedia of Life (英語)
最終更新 2013年4月1日 (月) 12:33
Jasmine (taxonomic name Jasminum /ˈdʒæzmɨnəm/)[5] is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive family (Oleaceae). It contains around 200 species native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the Old World. Jasmines are widely cultivated for the characteristic fragrance of their flowers.
Jasminum sambac 'Grand Duke of Tuscany'
Jasmines can be either deciduous (leaves falling in autumn) or evergreen (green all year round), and can be erect, spreading, or climbing shrubs and vines. Their leaves are borne opposite or alternate. They can be simple, trifoliate, or pinnate. The flowers are typically around 2.5 cm (0.98 in) in diameter. They are white or yellow in color, although in rare instances they can be slightly reddish. The flowers are borne in cymose clusters with a minimum of three flowers, though they can also be solitary on the ends of branchlets. Each flower has about four to nine petals, two locules, and one to four ovules. They have two stamens with very short filaments. The bracts are linear or ovate. The calyx is bell-shaped. They are usually very fragrant. The fruits of jasmines are berries that turn black when ripe.[6][7]
The basic chromosome number of the genus is 13, and most species are diploid (2n=26). However, natural polyploidy exists, particularly in Jasminum sambac (2n=39), Jasminum flexile (2n=52), Jasminum primulinum (2n=39), and Jasminum angustifolium (2n=52).[6]
Distribution and habitat
Jasmines are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Australasia.[8] Of the 200 species, only one is native to Europe.[9] Their center of diversity is in South Asia and Southeast Asia.[7]
Although not native to Europe, a number of jasmine species have become naturalized in Mediterranean Europe. For example, the so-called Spanish jasmine or Catalonian jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) was originally from Iran and western South Asia, and is now naturalized in the Iberian peninsula.[6]
Jasminum fluminense (which is sometimes known by the inaccurate name "Brazilian Jasmine") and Jasminum dichotomum (Gold Coast Jasmine) are invasive species in Hawaii and Florida.[10][11] Jasminum polyanthum, also known as White Jasmine, is an invasive weed in Australia.[12]
Species belonging to genus Jasminum are classified under the tribe Jasmineae of the olive family (Oleaceae).[6] Jasminum is divided into five sections—Alternifolia, Jasminum, Primulina, Trifoliolata, and Unifoliolata.[4]
The genus name is derived from the Persian Yasameen ("gift from God") through Arabic and Latin.[13][14][15]
Main article: List of Jasminum species
J. abyssinicum Hochst. ex DC.
– forest jasmine
J. adenophyllum Wall.
– bluegrape jasmine, pinwheel jasmine, princess jasmine
J. angulare Vahl
J. angustifolium (L.) Willd.
J. auriculatum Vahl
– Indian hasmine, needle-flower jasmine
J. azoricum L.
J. beesianum Forrest & Diels
– red jasmine
J. dichotomum Vahl
– Gold Coast jasmine
J. didymum G.Forst.
J. dispermum Wall.
J. elegans Knobl.
J. elongatum (P.J.Bergius) Willd.
J. floridum Bunge
J. fluminense Vell.
J. fruticans L.
J. grandiflorum L.
– Catalonian jasmine, jasmin odorant, royal jasmine, Spanish jasmine
J. humile L.
– Italian jasmine, Italian yellow jasmine
J. anceolarium Roxb.
J. mesnyi Hance
– Japanese jasmine, primrose jasmine, yellow jasmine
J. multiflorum (Burm.f.) Andrews
– Indian jasmine, star jasmine, winter jasmine
J. multipartitum Hochst.
– starry wild jasmine
J. nervosum Lour.
J. nobile C.B.Clarke
J. nudiflorum Lindl.
– winter jasmine
J. odoratissimum L.
– yellow jasmine
J. officinale L.
– common jasmine, jasmine, jessamine, poet's jasmine, summer jasmine, white jasmine
J. parkeri Dunn
– dwarf jasmine
J. polyanthum Franch.
J. sambac (L.) Aiton
– Arabian jasmine, Sambac jasmine
J. simplicifolium G.Forst.
J. sinense Hemsl.
J. subhumile W.W.Sm.
J. subtriplinerve Blume
J. tortuosum Willd.
J. urophyllum Hemsl.
Jasmine Flowers by Kenny G
アップロード日: 2009/05/23
Video description:
Jasmine is a very popular flower around the world, especially in tropics because of its unique fragrance. The Jasmine is native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the old world.
Jasmine flowers are white in most species, with some species being yellow flowered. Jasmine is believed to have originated in the Himalayas in western China.
Jasmine is a very popular flower around the world, especially in tropics because of its unique fragrance. The Jasmine is native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the old world.
Jasmine flowers are white in most species, with some species being yellow flowered. Jasmine is believed to have originated in the Himalayas in western China.
======= ========
Cultivation and uses
Widely cultivated for its flowers, jasmine is enjoyed in the garden, as a house plant, and as cut flowers. The flowers are worn by women in their hair in southern and southeast Asia. The delicate jasmine flower opens only at night and may be plucked in the morning when the tiny petals are tightly closed, then stored in a cool place until night. The petals begin to open between six and eight in the evening, as the temperature lowers.
Jasmine tea
Jasmine tea is consumed in China, where it is called jasmine-flower tea (茉莉花茶; pinyin: mò lì huā chá). Jasminum sambac flowers are also used to make jasmine tea, which often has a base of green tea, but sometimes an Oolong base is used. Flowers and tea are "mated"[clarification needed] in machines that control temperature and humidity. It takes four hours or so for the tea to absorb the fragrance and flavour of the jasmine blossoms, and for the highest grades, this process may be repeated as many as seven times. It must be refired to prevent spoilage. The spent flowers may or may not be removed from the final product, as the flowers are completely dry and contain no aroma. Giant fans are used to blow away and remove the petals from the denser tea leaves.
In Okinawa, Japan, jasmine tea is known as sanpin cha (さんぴん茶).
Jasmine syrup
Jasmine syrup, made from jasmine flowers, is used as a flavouring.
Jasmine essential oil
Jasmine is considered an absolute and not an essential oil as the petals of the flower are much too delicate and would be destroyed by the distillation process used in creating essential oils. Other than the processing method it is essentially the same as an essential oil. Absolute is a technical term used to denote the process of extraction. It is in common use. Its flowers are either extracted by the labour-intensive method of enfleurage or through chemical extraction. It is expensive due to the large number of flowers needed to produce a small amount of oil. The flowers have to be gathered at night because the odour of jasmine is more powerful after dark. The flowers are laid out on cotton cloths soaked in olive oil for several days and then extracted leaving the true jasmine essence. Some of the countries producing jasmine essential oil are India, Egypt, China and Morocco.
Jasmine scent has been reported to have sedative properties.
Jasmine absolute used in perfume and incense
Many species also yield an absolute, which is used in perfumes and incense. Its chemical constituents include methyl anthranilate, indole, benzyl alcohol, linalool, and skatole.
Main article: Jasmonate
Jasmine gave name to the jasmonate plant hormones as methyl jasmonate isolated from the jasmine oil of Jasminum grandiflorum led to the discovery of the molecular structure of jasmonates.[17]
Cultural importance
Throughout India, especially in the western and southern states, including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, jasmine (along with many other flowers, including roses) is cultivated in private homes, within gardens or as potted plants. These flowers are used in regular worship at home as well as for hair ornaments (for the girls and women of the house). Jasmine is also cultivated commercially, for both the domestic purposes discussed above and other purposes (such as use in the perfume industry). It is used in rituals like marriages, religious ceremony, and festivals. In the Chandan Yatra of lord Jagannath, the deity is bathed with water flavored in sandalwood paste and jasmine.
Jasmine flower vendors selling ready-made garlands of jasmine, or in the case of the thicker motiyaa (in Hindi) or mograa (in Marathi) varietal, bunches of jasmine, as well as flowers by weight, are a common sight on city streets in many parts of India. They may be found around entrances to temples, on major thoroughfares, and in major business areas (including bus stands). This is common as far north as Mumbai, and generally from Maharashtra southward through all of South India. Jasmine vendors may also be found in Kolkata, though roadside sales are fewer there, since in North India women and girls generally, by tradition, do not wear flowers in their hair.
A change in presidency in Tunisia in 1987[18][19] and the Tunisian Revolution of 2011 are both called "Jasmine revolutions" in reference to the flower. Jasmine flowers were also used as a symbol during the 2011 Chinese pro-democracy protests in the People's Republic of China.
In Syria, jasmine is the symbolic flower of Damascus, which is called the City of Jasmine. In Thailand, jasmine flowers are used as a symbol for motherhood.
"Jasmine" is also a feminine given name in some countries.
Jasmine as the national flower
Several countries and states consider jasmine as a national symbol. They are the following:
・Hawaii: Jasminum sambac ("pikake") is perhaps the most popular of flowers. It is often strung in leis and is the subject of many songs.
・Indonesia: Jasminum sambac is the national flower, adopted in 1990. It goes by the name "melati putih" and is the most important flower in wedding ceremonies for ethnic Indonesians, especially in the island of Java.
・Pakistan: Jasminum officinale is known as the "chambeli" or "yasmin", it is the national flower.
・Philippines: Jasminum sambac is the national flower. Adopted in 1935, it is known as "sampaguita" in the islands. It is usually strung in garlands which are then used to adorn religious images.
External links
・"Jasminum L.". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 3 June 2008.
・"Flora Europaea Search Results". Flora Europaea. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
・"African Plants Database". South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica.
・"Jasminum". Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
This page was last modified on 6 June 2013 at 06:35.
公開日: 2012/05/20
公開日: 2013/05/27
オキナワテイカカズラ キョウチクトウ科
公開日: 2012/04/28
Last visited taxon Trachelospermum jasminoides - Confederate Jasmine
Taxon - image
Confederate Jasmine
Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem.
Original name: Trachelospermum jasminoides - Arco, It..JPG
Size 800x642 - 118474 bytes
Image manager: Michael Kesl
Directory: 471
Created: 2008-02-05 10:35:32 - User Michael Kesl
URL: http://www.biolib.cz/en/taxonimage/id45195/
Text function: [[i:45195;Image]], [[it:45195]] (thumbnail)
Directory: Apocynaceae
Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem. - Confederate Jasmine
* Image had to be scaled down in order to fit on page. Open new window with image in original size.
Author: Michael Kesl [Other photographs by this author]
Determination author: Michael Kesl [Determination history and verification]
Associated glossary terms: white
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Italy, Arco (Trentino)
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Last visited taxon Trachelospermum jasminoides - Confederate Jasmine
Taxon - image
Confederate Jasmine
Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem.
Directory: ApocynaceaeTrachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem. - Confederate Jasmine
* Image had to be scaled down in order to fit on page. Open new window with image in original size.
Author: Petr Kocna [Other photographs by this author]
Determination author: Petr Kocna [Determination history and verification]
Copyright © 1999-2013 BioLib
Confederate Jasmine
Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem.
Directory: Apocynaceae
Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem. - Confederate Jasmine
* Image is also available in higher resolution: 159226.jpg (2816x2112 - 2388 kb).
Author: Jan Richtr [Other photographs by this author]
Determination author: Jan Richtr [Determination history and verification]
- Determined from label (collection, zoological or botanical garden)
Copyright © 1999-2013 BioLib
Trachelospermum jasminoides, commonly known as the star jasmine, is a popular climbing vine that is native to tropical and sub-tropical evergreen forests of China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. It has traditional uses in Korean and Chinese medicine. The liana is cultivated as a landscape ornamental in sunny areas with warm-temperate climates. It can behave as a shrub or climbing vine, able to reach heights of three meters. It is deer resistant and has a low risk of becoming an invasive species when cultivated. The foliage is evergreen and the plant produces jasmine-scented, white flowers during the dry season. The plant exudes a white latex when cut. The leaves are opposite and some varieties are variegated. The flowers are produced on cymes and the flowers have five petals. The flowers have five to ten basal glands which emit the jasmine scent. The pleasant fragrance can be extracted from the flowers as an essential oil. Trachelospermum jasminoides can be host to several endophytic fungi that produce valuable medicinal secondary metabolites (Huang, et al 2008). The liana produces lignans which are phytoestrogens being researched for their antioxidant effects (Higden, 2005). The entire plant is considered poisonous and should not be consumed.
Informazioni immagine
Titolo: Trachelospermum jasminoides falso gelsomino 3922
Nome del file: Trachelospermum_jasminoides_falso_gelsomino_3922.jpg
Proprietario: Alessio Pellegrini
Tags: fiori
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Trachelospermum jasminoides - Star Jasmine
アップロード日: 2011/08/28
Trachelospermum jasminoides - Star Jasmine is a common vine also used as a groundcover. For more information on this plant please watch the video. For information on many other plants please visit www.designwithplants.com
Sternjasmin (Trachelospermum jasminoides) im Botanischen Garten Augsburg
How to Prune a Jasmine Plant : Gardening Advice
公開日: 2012/11/30
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Jasmine is a specific type of plant known as a polyenthum. Find out how to prune a Jasmine plant with help from an experienced professional gardener in this free video clip.
Expert: Nell Foster
Bio: Nell Foster is an experienced professional gardener on a mission to make gardening stylish, fun and simple.
Filmmaker: James Tucker
Series Description: Gardening is a great opportunity to take your yard and transform it in a really positive and refreshing way. Get gardening advice pertaining to a variety of topics with help from an experienced professional gardener in this free video series.
Watch More:
Jasmine is a specific type of plant known as a polyenthum. Find out how to prune a Jasmine plant with help from an experienced professional gardener in this free video clip.
Expert: Nell Foster
Bio: Nell Foster is an experienced professional gardener on a mission to make gardening stylish, fun and simple.
Filmmaker: James Tucker
Series Description: Gardening is a great opportunity to take your yard and transform it in a really positive and refreshing way. Get gardening advice pertaining to a variety of topics with help from an experienced professional gardener in this free video series.
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