【 スイカズラ・忍冬 】

スイカズラ(吸い葛、学名:Lonicera japonica)はスイカズラ科スイカズラ属の常緑つる性木本。別名、ニンドウ(忍冬)。冬場を耐え忍ぶ事からこの名がついた。
スイカズラ属には180種あり、日本には20種ばかりあるが、多くは低木である。蔓性のものとしてはハマニンドウ L. affinis とキダチニンドウ L. hypoglauca がある。いずれも分布が限られ、より南部に生育するものである。
金大中 - ニックネームで忍冬草と呼ばれていた。
最終更新 2013年3月24日 (日) 04:11
Edible Wild Plants: Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica)
Emergency Outdoors on June 08th 2012
There are nearly 180 different know honeysuckle species, most native to Europe and Asia, with only about twenty indigenous to the US. Honeysuckle is most often a vine, usually growing to a max of 20 feet. Some grow in a shrub-like form. Many species (especially those from Asia) are sold in the US for their beauty and for there attractiveness to hummingbirds.
The honeysuckle seen here is Lonicera japonica or Japanese Honeysuckle, which is one of the two exotic invasive species of honeysuckle found growing wild in the United States (the other being the shrub Lonicera maackii). In the eastern United States and Hawaii Lonicera japonica is responsible for significant environmental damage, destroying and displacing native forest species.
It is easy to identify, producing potently fragrant white and yellow flowers throughout the summer months. It grows prodigiously along forest edges and semi-forested areas.
Most cultivated (ornamental garden) honeysuckle is no longer edible, but wild honeysuckle (Japanese Honeysuckle or Lonicera Japonica) contains a sweet nectar that’s just like… you guessed it, honey.
Edible Parts
Leaves - cooked. The parboiled leaves are used as a vegetable. Some caution is advised, see notes above on toxicity.
Warning: The leaves contain saponins. Saponins are quite toxic but are poorly absorbed by the human body and so most pass through without harm. They can be found in many common foods such as some beans. Thorough cooking, and perhaps changing the cooking water once, will normally remove most of the saponins.
Flowers - sucked for their sweet nectar, used as a vegetable or made into a syrup and puddings. A tea is made from the leaves, buds and flowers.
Medicinal Uses
The stems and flower buds are alternative to antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, depurative, diuretic, febrifuge.
The plant is also used to reduce blood pressure. The stems are used internally in the treatment of acute rheumatoid arthritis, mumps and hepatitis. The stems are harvested in the autumn and winter, and are dried for later use. The stems and flowers are used together as an infusion in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (including pneumonia) and dysentery.
An infusion of the flower buds is used in the treatment of a wide range of ailments including syphilitic skin diseases and tumours, bacterial dysentery, colds, enteritis, pain, swellings etc. Experimentally, the flower extracts have been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels and are antibacterial, antiviral and tuberculostatic. Externally, the flowers are applied as a wash to skin inflammations, infectious rashes and sores. The flowers are harvested in early morning before they open and are dried for later use.
The plant has a similar action to Forsythia suspensa and is usually used in combination with that species to achieve a stronger action. This plant has become a serious weed in many areas of N. America, it might have the potential to be utilized for proven medical purposes.
The Japanese Honeysuckle flower is of high medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is called rěn dōng téng (Chinese: 忍冬藤; literally “winter enduring vine”) or jīn yín huā (Chinese: 金銀花; literally “gold silver flower”). Alternate Chinese names include Er Hua and Shuang Hua. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and is used (often in combination with Forsythia suspensa) to dispel heat and remove toxins, including carbuncles, fevers, influenza and ulcers. In Korean, it is called geumeunhwa. The dried leaves are also used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Jin Yin Hua (Japanese Honeysuckle, Flos Lonicerae Japonicae) is notable for its inclusion in the traditional Chinese medicine herbal formula Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder. In pinyin, this formula is called Yin Qiao San. Traditional indications for use of this formula include fever, headache, cough, thirst, and sore throat.For indications such as this, it is common to find Japanese Honeysuckle paired in Chinese medicine herbal formulations with Forsythia (Lian Qiao, Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae). According to Chinese medicine, these herbs, when combined, have a synergistic medicinal effect to address indications such as fever with headache and sore throat. This is why these two herbs are considered “paired herbs.”
In Chinese medicine, Jin Yin Hua is classfied with a temperature property of cold. The cold designation specifically refers to, in this case, to Jin Yin Hua’s antitoxin, anti-bacterial, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, according to traditional Chinese medicine, Jin Yin Hua is contraindicated for patients with medical conditions that are diagnosed as deficient and cold in nature unless combined with other herbs to balance the temperature nature of Jin Yin Hua. In layperson terms, Jin Yin Hua is used in Chinese medicine to address what are called excess heat conditions such as fevers, skin rashes, and sore throat. Excess heat conditions are essentially inflammatory processes involving heat, redness, pain, and swelling often due to external pathogenic factors such as bacteria and viruses. The cold nature of Jin Yin Hua is considered to cool the heat nature of the heat related conditions. For example, Jin Yin Hua’s antibacterial properties can help to cool a fever. In this case, the cold herb treats the heat condition. However, should a patient present with what is termed as a cold condition such as aversion to cold with cold limbs, cold and pain in the abdomen, and abdominal pain relieved by warmth, then Jin Yin Hua’s cold nature is said to be contraindicated for treating the pre-existing cold condition. Should an herbalist choose to use Jin Yin Hua in an herbal formula for a patient with a cold condition, he/she would then choose to balance the temperature of Jin Yin Hua with another herb that is warming in nature.Fishing
Saponins are much more toxic to some creatures, such as fish, and hunting tribes have traditionally put large quantities of them in streams, lakes etc in order to stupefy or kill the fish.
Other Uses
The plant is said to be a natural insecticidal. The stems have been used in making baskets.
Where Does Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica) Grow?
How To Identify Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica)
Leaves are hairy and arranged oppositely along the stem. Leaves are ovate to elliptic in outline, reaching 3 inches in length and 2 inches in width. Leaves occur on short petioles that range from 3 to 10 mm in length.
Climb on other vegetation or trail along the ground. Stems become woody with maturity. Stems are usually hairy but sometimes may be without hairs.
Flowers occur in pairs and arise from the positions between the stems and leaves (leaf axils). Flower pairs occur on short flower stalks (peduncles). Individual flowers are very fragrant, and are white to yellow in color.
A round, black berry approximately 6 mm in diameter.
3 Responses to “Edible Wild Plants: Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica)”
公開日: 2012/06/04
公開日: 2012/05/23
"Lonicera japonica" - Yellow and White Honeysuckle #96
Lonicera japonica Halliana Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle.wmv
アップロード日: 2010/10/21
Climber vigorous semi evergreen white yellow heavily scented flowers in summer needs support full sun or part shade any soil
Wild Edibles: honeysuckle - The wealth around us
アップロード日: 2011/09/20
Common honeysuckle is a sugary treat and full of carbs.
Invasive Japanese Honesuckle
公開日: 2013/05/25
Hello all! AP Environmental Science taught me that honeysuckle is an invasive spice so here goes.
Japanese Honeysuckle
公開日: 2012/10/17
Japanese Honeysuckle
Uncle Steve observes a lovely plant in Lake Crabtree County Park in Cary, North Carolina.
This is Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica).
Date: 30 SEPTEMBER 2012
[vado sansa avidemux audacity inkscape]
Uncle Steve observes a lovely plant in Lake Crabtree County Park in Cary, North Carolina.
This is Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica).
Date: 30 SEPTEMBER 2012
[vado sansa avidemux audacity inkscape]
アップロード日: 2010/07/04
Some information about Honeysuckle (Lane Sera), filmed on the Cliff Walk in Newport, RI
Honeysuckle - Lonicera
公開日: 2012/06/21
Orange Honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa),
Big Fall Creek, Willamette National Forest
アップロード日: 2011/05/21
Rob's blog: http://www.robmutch.com/
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Rob at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robmutch1/
Rob at Google+: http://plus.google.com/11080449768089...
[taxonomy:binomial=Lonicera ciliosa]
Rob at Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/robmutch1
Rob at Twitter: http://twitter.com/robmutch
Rob at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robmutch1/
Rob at Google+: http://plus.google.com/11080449768089...
[taxonomy:binomial=Lonicera ciliosa]
公開日: 2013/05/24
Honeysuckles in Atlanta, GA
Kristin with honeysuckles
アップロード日: 2007/05/07
This is Kristin and I at that old house, where everything is so grown up around us. Then she spots honeysuckles!
Honeysuckle Trellis - Wisconsin Garden Video Blog 388
公開日: 2013/05/07
Planter un chèvrefeuille
公開日: 2013/03/22
Honeysuckle Trellis - Wisconsin Garden Video Blog 388
公開日: 2013/05/07
Today we're planting our Honeysuckle trellis with flowering vine plant sections adding lots of color to our floral dog fence. Each of five varieties of Honeysuckle and trumpet vines will spread up each of the 10 trellis sections and along the lower fence sections creating a beautiful flowering border, attracting lots of hummingbirds.
Planter un chèvrefeuille
公開日: 2013/03/22
Certaines plantes peuvent se planter pratiquement toute l'année : c'est le cas du chèvrefeuille cultivé en pot. Explications et conseils de plantation d'Hubert le jardinier.